
TRG: Issue 57


In other news.

Do you enjoy comics, and art by people just like yourself. Well check out Andromedia, a local comic anthology published in pittsburgh. In their latest issue you can see not one, but two new TRG Comics: Brain Slugs from Venus, and The Booger that ate my Brain.

Help support local artist.


Are you ready for summer? Well let TRG help you out. We will be working on creating different objectives or contests to help get you in the mood to have some fun. So keep an on our latest issues for a chance to contribute to our beautiful publication, we can always use the help of come creative minds.

But wait you say "I'm not a creative person."
"Im not a good drawer", "I think what I do is worthless!"

WELL if that sounds like you, here at The Rejected Gazzette encourage you to contribute you works of art to our latest creation: Worthless Times. AT the Worthless Times, we will print anything, with in reason. It is our goal to help people gain some self esteem by showing them that no matter what you create, no matter how good it is, that some one some where will find it enjoyable and like what you have to say.

So Please we welcome your input, give to

The Rejected Gazzette
& Worthless Times.